Tapestry of Life
I am "spider woman" of Indian lore,
Compelled to leave the threads of my life
Together in a tapestry of truthful light.
Taking inventory is a vast thoughtful process.
I weave magical moments in mauve and lilac
Some touched with the splendor of vanilla cream
Colors bold and strong then come into view
Firestorms of orange appear to interrupt and overwhelm.
They are the envitable melodrama of death and disease.
Churning emotional anguish that weakens the spirit
Shows up in desolate shades of numbing indigo.
There are also dangling ends of unfinished business
Triumphant events are embellished with golden threads
Silvery textures of love are interwoven throughout.
This tapestry slowly reveals grateful threads of comfort.
Emotions fluctuate while I record these events.
The moments, days, years are accelerating
As I complete this Tapestry of my life
Joyce Kassanonkwas Sundheim